The USC Andrew and Erna Viterbi School of Engineering USC Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering University of Southern California

EE 459Lx - Embedded System Design Laboratory

Inventory of Parts for Projects

The list below contains most of the parts that are in stock in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department for EE459 projects. Students requiring any of these parts for their projects should email their instructor and request the part.

Some of the integrated circuits are listed with the number of pins on the IC package. ICs with 6, 8, 14, 16, 18 or 20 pins use a 0.3" wide socket. ICs with 24, 28, 32 or 40 pins use a 0.6" wide socket unless noted otherwise.

	LCD Displays

16x2 characters, parallel, white-on-blue		Amazon B00HJ6AFW6
16x2 characters, parallel, black-on-white		Polytronics PVC160205
16x2 characters, parallel, dark-on-yellow		Crystalonics CDM16216B
20x2 characters, parallel (4-bit), black-on-white	BG Micro LCD1022
24x2 characters, parallel, black-on-white		BG Micro LCD1029
20x4 characters, parallel, RGB backlight		Adafruit 499
20x4 characters, parallel, blue-on-white, 3.3V    NHD-0420AZ-FSW-GBW-33V3-ND
20x4 characters, parallel, white-on-blue	Digikey NHD-0420DZ-FSW-FBW
20x4 characters, parallel, white-on-blue	Crystalfontz CFAH2004A-TMI-JT
20x4 characters, parallel, blue-on-white, smaller

16x2 characters, serial (rs232), white-on-blue	Matrix Orbital LK162-12-WB
16x2 characters, serial (rs232), white-on-blue		Sparkfun LCD-09395
20x2 characters, serial (rs232), white-on-blue	Digikey NHD-0220D3Z-NSW-BBW
20x4 characters, serial (rs232), white-on-blue	Digikey NHD-0420D3Z-NSW-BBW-V3
20x4 characters, serial (I2C), dark-on-gray	Crystalfontz CFAH2004AC-TFH-EW
20x4 characters, serial (I2C), white-on-blue	Crystalfontz CFAH2004AC-TMI-EW

128x64 graphics, parallel, white-on-blue	Crystalfontz CFAG12864D-STI-TZ
128x64 graphics, parallel with touchscreen		Sparkfun LCD-00463
160x128 graphics, parallel				Sparkfun LCD-08799
128x64 graphics, serial					Sparkfun LCD-08358
128x64 graphics, serial, 0.96"				Amazon B00O2KDQBE
84x48 graphics (from Nokia 5110 phone)			Sparkfun LCD-10168
160x128 graphics, color, MicroSD card			Adafruit 358
320x240 graphics, color, touchscreen			Adafruit 335
320x240 graphics, color, touchscreen, MicroSD card	Adafruit 2090
128x32 graphics LCD for Featherwing boards		Adafruit 2900
128x128 round 1.26” display, SPI interface		DFRobot DFR0529
320x172 graphics 1.47" display SPI interface		Adafruit 5393
240x128 graphics, B&W					EA DOGXL240W-7
320x240 graphics, RGB, 2.4", SPI interface		Amazon B08H24H7KX
Touchscreen, 4.5x3.5"					Digikey BER275-ND
Touchscreen connector for Digikey BER275		Sparkfun BOB-09224
Touchscreen, 2.75x2.2"					Sparkfun LCD-08977
Spare screen for Adafruit 913 video display
LCD light valve, 36x36mm				Adafruit 3627

Parallel LCD I2C/SPI backpack				Adafruit 292


White LEDs (T-1 3/4 size)			CREE C503C-WAN-CBBDB151
Red LEDs (T-1 size)
Red LEDs (T-1 3/4 size)
Green LEDs (T-1 size)
Green LEDs (T-1 3/4 size)
Yellow LEDs (T-1 size)
Yellow LEDs (T-1 3/4 size)
Blue LEDs (T-1 3/4 size)
Purple LEDs (T-1 3/4 size)				Adafruit 1793
Two color LEDs (red, green), common cathode		Digikey 160-1939-ND
RGB LEDs, clear, common anode
RGB LEDs, clear, common cathode
RGB LEDs, diffused, common anode			Amazon B01C3ZZT8C
RGB LEDs, diffused, common cathode

8x8 red LED array					Amazon B07W6KZR5D
LED turn signal arrows (33 SMD LEDs)
White LED strip, 320 LED/meter, 1m			Adafruit 5851
RGB LED strip, 30 LEDs/meter, 1m			Adafruit 1376
RGB LED strip, 30 LEDs/meter, 3m			Adafruit 2536
Red LED strip, 12 LEDs, 12", 12V			Amazon B01NATWJ49
White LED strip, 60 LEDS/meter, 12V
Amber LED strip, 12 LEDs, 12"				Amazon B01MY8WXYD
LED array, 6 LEDs, 300mA, 3W				Amazon B07CWRX7F5
RGB high power LED, 3W, chainable			Adafruit 4544
RGB high power LED, 3W, not chainable			Adafruit 4544
White LED, SMD, 3W					Amazon B01DBZICDC
Pack of colored LEDs, 10 colors				Amazon B09BQ9TS1L
7-Segment LED display, 0.3", red, common anode, 14-pin, P/N LSD3221-11
7-Segment LED display, 0.8", common anode, P/N LA8071-11-M1EWRW		Jameco 308259
7-segment LED display, 0.6", 4 digit, green, com. anode, P/N LTC-5848G	Jameco 1956573
7-segment LED display, 2.2", red, command cathode, P/N LSD23255-10	Jameco 97201

	Visible and IR Lamps and Light Detectors

Optical slot sensor, Omron EE-SX1070			Digikey OR571-ND
Light sensor, TSL2591, I2C inteface			Adafruit 1980
Light sensor, BH1750, I2C interface			Adafruit 4681
Light sensor, ALS-PT19, analog output			Adafruit 2748
UV light sensor						Parallax 28091
UV light sensor						Sparkfun SEN-15089
IR emitter and detector					Sparkfun SEN-00241
Photocell						Adafruit 161
Phototransistor, 570nm, TEPT4400, T-1 size		Digikey 751-1057-ND
Phototransistor, 570nm, TEPT5600, T-1 3/4 size		Digikey 751-1058
Phototransistor, 870nm, SFH 313 FS-3/4			Digikey 475-SFH313FA-3/4-ND
Phototransistor, HW5P-1					Adafruit 2831
Phototransistor, SDP8405-003				Digikey	480-1952
PD204-6C photo diode, visible and IR			Digikey 1080-1140-ND
PN334 PIN photo diode, visible and IR			Digikey PN334PA-ND
PN323 PIN photo diode, IR				Digikey PN323PA-ND
TLN100 Infrared LED, 1.2V, 20mA				Jameco 112150
TSOP34838 Infrared receiver, for remote controls	Newark 88K2016
TSOP38238 Infrared receiver, for remote controls	Adafruit 157
TSOP58038 Infrared receiver (old)			Newark 70R1423
IR receiver module, 38kHz, uses TSOP85338 chip		Sparkfun SEN-08554
IR receiver module, 38kHz, IRM 8420 (use with TLN100)	Jameco 131908
IR receiver module, 38kHz, Ligitek 6810, (use with TLN100) (old) Jameco 125049
IRD300 Infrared Detector (use with TLN100)
TEAC RC-505 IR remote control, 38kHz NEC signals
Mini remote control					Adafruit 389
H800 incandescent lamp
BPW77 visible light detector (use with H800)


GSM/GPRS SIM800L breakout board				Amazon B01DLIJM2E
XBee S1, XB24-API-001, trace antenna			Digikey 602-1273-ND
XBee S2C, XB24CAWIT-001, wire antenna			Digikey 602-1891-ND
XBee Pro S1, XBP24-AWI-001, wire antenna
XBee breakout board					Parallax 32402
XBee breakout board					Sparkfun WRL-11373
NRF24L01+ 2.4GHz WL Transceiver Module			Amazon B00LX47OCY
NRF24L01+ 2.4GHz WL Transceiver Module			Amazon B09P88XBDQ
ATWINC1500 WiFi Breakout				Adafruit 2999
RFM69HCW RF Transceiver on breakout board		Adafruit 3070
RFM69HCW RF Transceiver (433MHz) on breakout board	Adafruit 3071
RFM69HCW RF Transceiver on breakout board		Sparkfun WRL-12775
Featherwing RFM69HCW, 433MHz				Adafruit 3220
Featherwing RFM96 LoRa radio, 433MHz			Adafruit 3179
WiFi Module, ESP8266 ESP-01S				Amazon B01EA3UJJ4
WiFi Module, ESP8266 ESP-01				Amazon B010N1ROQS
WiFi Module, ESP8266 NodeMCU				Amazon B010O1G1ES
WiFi Module, ESP32-CAM					Amazon B09TB1GJ7P
CMMR-6P-60 radio receiver module			Digikey 561-1014-ND
Antenna for CMMR-6P-60					Digikey 561-1001-ND


915MHz spring antenna					Adafruit 4269
900MHz LoRa antenna, with uFL to SMA cable		Adafruit 3340
900MHz LoRa antenna with male RP-SMA connector
uFL to female SMA cable					Adafruit 851
uFL to female SMA cable					Amazon B07PBH3VCM
2.4GHz antenna with uFL cable				Molex 206994
2.4GHz antenna with uFL cable				Sparkfun WRL-11320
uFL SMT antenna connector				Adafruit 1661
2.4GHz dipole swivel antenna with RP-SMA		Adafruit 945
2.4GHz dipole 1/4 wave antenna, male SMA conn.		Digikey A24-HASM-450-ND
2.4GHz dipole 1/4 wave antenna, uFL connector
SMA connectors for board edge mounting			Amazon B009EOORXO
SMA connectors for vertical board mounting


Bluetooth LE (Serial)					Adafruit 2479
Bluetooth LE (SPI)					Adafruit 2633
BlueSMiRF HID Bluetooth modem				Sparkfun WRL-10938
BlueSMiRF Silver Bluetooth modem			Sparkfun WRL-12577
Bluetooth modem						Parallax 30086


RFID reader ID-12LA (125 kHz)				Sparkfun SEN-11827
RFID breakout board					Sparkfun SEN-13030
RFID reader						Parallax 32395
RFID reader						SunFounder RC522?
RFID tags						Adafruit 360
RFID tag, 13.56MHz, clear				Adafruit 361
RFID controller board					Adafruit 364


PS module (MTK3333)					Adafruit 4415
GPS module (NEO-6M) with antenna			Amazon B07P8YMVNT
GPS external antenna, SMA connector			Adafruit 960
GPS module (VPN1513) with antenna			Parallax 28510
GPS module						DFRobot TEL0094
GPS module						Garmin GPS18 LVC

	Accelerometers/position sensors

3-axis accererometer (ADXL345)				Sparkfun SEN-09836
3-axis accelerometer (LIS3DH)				Adafruit 2809
Compass (HM55B)						Parallax 29123
Compass (HMC5883L)					Amazon B0CJM6YGLT
3-axis gyro, 3-axis accelerometer (MPU-6050)		Amazon B06XW9ZSC8
3-axis gyro (ITG-3200)					Sparkfun SEN-11977


Temperature sensor, TMP36, analog, TO-92		Adafruit 165
Temperature sensor, DS18B20, 1-wire, TO-92		Jameco 865936
Temperature sensor, DS18B20, 1-wire, in housing		Adafruit 381
Temperature sensor, DS1631, I2C				Digikey DS1631+-ND
Temperature sensor, DS1620, clocked interface		Jameco 114382
Temperature sensor transistor, LM335Z
Temperature/humidity sensor, DHT20, I2C interface	Adafruit 5183
Temperature/humidity sensor, SHT30, I2C interface	Adafruit 5064
Temperature/humidity sensor, RHT03 (DHT22)		Sparkfun SEN-10167
Temperature/humidity sensor, DHT11			Adafruit 386
Temperature/altitude sensor, MPL3115A2			Adafruit 1893
Alcohol gas sensor (MQ-3)				Amazon B083XSBQLM
Gas sensor (SGP40)					Adafruit 4829
Gas sensor						DFRobot SEN0129
CO (carbon monoxide) sensor				Parallax 605-00007

	Water sensors

Soil moisture sensor, capacitive, I2C			Adafruit 4026
Soil moisture sensor, capacitive, analog		Seeed Studio 101020614
Soil moisture sensor, capacitive, analog		Amazon B094J8XD83
Soil moisture sensor, resistive, analog			Sparkfun SEN-13322
Soil moisture sensor, resistive, analog			DFRobot SEN0114
Soil moisture sensor, resistive, analog			Funduino F23107276
Soil moistuer and NPK sensor				24loop NPK-S
Soil moisture and NPK sensor				Amazon B0821HXSPF
Water level sensor (Grove)				Seeedstudio 101020635
Water sensor						Adafruit 4965
Water sensor, 59630-1-T-03-A				Digikey F7185-ND
Liquid level sensor (PIC PLS-051A-3PPI)			Digikey 2010-1055-ND
Liquid level sensor (SST LLC200D3SH-LLPK1)		Sparkfun SEN-13835
Liquid flow meter					Adafruit 828


DFPlayer Mini
Emic 2 text-to-speech module				Parallax 30016
Sound impact sensor					Parallax 29132
PAM8403 Bluetooth audio receiver & stereo amplifier
Microphone and amplifier				Adafruit 1063
Microphone and amplifier				Adafruit 1713
Microphone, electret					Digikey P9962-ND

	Buzzers and Speakers

Buzzer, 3-24V, DC input					Amazon B07QBP1W5L
Buzzer, 12mm, 5V
Buzzer, 12mm, 3-30V, square-wave input			Adafruit 160
Buzzer, 12mm, square-wave input, P/N CEM-1206S		Digikey 102-1155
Buzzer, 3.5kHz,	30mm, 2-5V DC input, P/N AI-3035-TWT-3V-R  Digikey 668-1204
Buzzer, 2.4kHz, 12mm, 5V DC input, P/N CEM-1205C	Digikey 102-1124
Buzzer, 2.73kHz, 9.6mm, 5V DC input, P/N CX-0905C	Digkkey 102-1285
Buzzer, 4kHz, 14mm, 3-16V DC input, P/N AI-175
2.6" speaker, 25 Ohms					Jameco 249463
2" speaker, 8 Ohms, 0.5W
1.5" speaker, 4 Ohms					Adafruit 3968
1" speaker, 8 Ohms, 2W


USB to serial cable, separate wires			Sparkfun CAB-12977
USB to serial module, miniUSB				Parallax 32201
USB to serial module, microUSB				Sparkfun BOB-12731
USB to serial module, miniUSB				Sparkfun DEV-09115
USB to serial module, miniUSB				Sparkfun BOB-00718

	Vibration, force senors

Force sensitive resistor				Adafruit 166
Force sensitive resistor				Adafruit 1075
Flex sensor						Adafruit 182
Flexible stretch sensor, 6"				Roboshop RB-Ima-14
Vibration motor						Adafruit 1201
Vibration motor						Amazon B0B4SK8M1C
Vibration motor, 5VDC, 9000rpm				Amazon B09GPNC7F8
Vibration motor, 6mm diameter

	Optical sensors, rangefinders, cameras

Time of Flight distance sensor (VL53L1CX)		Adafruit 3967
Optical sensor, slot type				Digikey 365-1770-ND
Ultrasonic range finder (HC-SR04)			Adafruit 3942
Ultrasonic range finder (LV-MaxSonar-EZ0)		Sparkfun SEN-08502
Proximity/light sensor, VCLN4010			Adafruit 466
Analog distance sensor (Sharp GP2Y0A02YK0F)		Jameco 2136454
ADPS-9960 RGB and gesture sensor			Sparkfun SEN-12787
Video Camera (OV7670)					Amazon B07S66Y3ZQ
Proximity sensor (magnetic reed sensor)			Littlefuse 59125-010

	Motion sensors

Passive IR (PIR) motion sensor				Digikey 255-3075
Motion sensor						Digikey 490-11915-ND
PIR mini sensor						Parallax 28033
PIR motion sensor (Velleman VMA314)			Jameco 2245440
PIR motion sensor (Parallax 555-28027, Revision A)

	Miscellaneous modules

Barcode scanner (Waveshare)				Amazon B07DFL41JQ
Fingerprint sensor					Amazon B077GKPWMN
Human Static Presence Module				Seeed Studio 101991030
I2C multiplexer (TCA9548A) 8-to-1			Adafruit 2717
Capacitive touch sensor (TTP223B)			Amazon B00HFQEFWQ
Capacitive touch sensor					Adafruit 1982
Stepper motor driver (A4988)				Pololu 2980
Stepper motor driver (A4988)				Amazon B07BND65C8
Real time clock (DS1307) with oscillator and battery	Sparkfun BOB-12708
Real time clock (PCF8523) with oscillator and battery	Adafruit 3295
Arduino GIGA Display Shield				Digikey 1050-ASX00039
Arduino Yun
Arduino Zero
Arduino Nano (clones)
TI CC3100BOOST						Digikey 296-37769-ND
TI CC31XXEMUBOOST					Digikey	296-37770-ND
I2C to UART breakout board				Sparkfun BOB-09981
Voltage, current sensor, INA260				Adafruit 4226
Current sensor, ACS712					Sparkfun SEN-08883
MicroSD card breakout					Adafruit 254
SD card breakout					Sparkfun BOB-12941
Micro SD card adapter					Catalex
ATSHA204 authentication chip breakout			Sparkfun BOB-11551
Load cell weight sensor					Amazon B078KS1NBB
Load cell amplifier (HX711)				Sparkfun SEN-13879
Load sensor RB-Spa-488
Pulse sensor						Adafruit 1093
Sensor cables with electrode pads			Sparkfun CAB-12970
Biomedical sensor pads					Sparkfun SEN-12969
Electrode pads, 2" square				Promedxpress 672012901
Magnetic strip reader

	Logic level converters

Logic level converter, 4 bits				Sparkfun BOB-12009
Logic level converter, 4 bits				Sparkfun BOB-11771
Logic level converter, 4 bits				Adafruit 757
Logic level shifter, 8-bits, 74LVC245			Adafruit 735

	Programmable Logic

ATmega1284P      40   Atmel Microcontroller
ATmega328P	 28*  Atmel Microcontroller
ATmega328	 28*  Atmel Microcontroller
ATmega168A	 28*  Atmel Microcontroller
ATtiny4313	 20   Atmel Microcontroller
ATtiny85-20	  8   Atmel Microcontroller
ATtiny84A	 14   Atmel Microcontroller
MC908JL16	 28   Freescale Microcontroller
MC68HC908QT4	  8   Freescale Microcontroller
MC68HC908JL8	 28   Freescale Microcontroller
MC68HC908JL3	 28   Freescale Microcontroller
MC68HRC908JL3	 28   Freescale Microcontroller (JL3 with RC clock circuit)

GAL22V10D,B	 24*  Lattice PLD, similar to AMD PALCE22V10H
ATF22V10C	 24*  Atmel PLD, similar to AMD PALCE22V10H
PEEL22CV10AP	 24*  ICT PLD, similar to AMD PALCE22V10H
GAL16V8A-15	 20   PLD

MACH210-12JC	      MACH PLD (44-pin PLCC)
MACH211-12JC	      MACH PLD (44-pin PLCC)
MACH211SP-12JC	      MACH PLD (44-pin PLCC)
EPM7192EQC160-12      Altera MAX 7000 PLD (160-pin PQFP)
EPM7160SLC84-7        Altera MAX 7000 PLD (100-pin TQFP)
EPM7128ELC84-7        Altera MAX 7000 PLD (160-pin PQFP)

* These 24 and 28 pin devices mount in a narrow .3in wide socket


24LC256		  8   32K x 8 bit I2C Serial EEPROM
93C46		  8   128 x 8 bit Serial EEPROM
P2114AL-4	 18   1K x 4 bit SRAM, 200ns
TMM2016PB-12	 24   2K x 8 bit SRAM, 120ns
SRM2264LC10	 28   8K x 8 bit SRAM, 100ns
LH5168-10L	 28   8K x 8 bit SRAM, 100ns
MS6264L-70       28   8K x 8 bit SRAM, 70ns
KM6264AL-10	 28   8K x 8 bit SRAM, 100ns
MS62256ALP-85PC	 28   32K x 8 bit SRAM, 85ns
HM62256LP-85	 28   32K x 8 bit SRAM, 85ns
HM62256LP-10	 28   32K x 8 bit SRAM, 100ns
MS62256-85	 28   32K x 8 bit SRAM, 85ns
CY7C194-25, -35  24   64K x 4 bit SRAM, 25ns and 35ns
HM628128LP-7	 32   128K x 8 bit SRAM, 70ns
CXK581000P-12	 32   128K x 8 bit SRAM, 120ns, Sony
CY7C433-25	 28   4K x 9 bit FIFO
TMS2516-35	 24   2Kx8 bit EPROM, 350ns
TMS2516-45	 24   2Kx8 bit EPROM, 450ns
AM27C64		 28   8Kx8 bit EPROM
27C128-12        28   16Kx8 bit EPROM, 120ns
AM27C256-120DC	 28   32Kx8 bit EPROM, 120ns

	A/D & D/A converters

AD876JR		 28   10-bit video A-to-D converter (ADC), SOIC package
		      mounted on a 0.6" wide DIP adapater
ADC0820CCN	 20   8-bit A-to-D converter, 1.2 usec
ADC0804		 20   8-bit A-to-D converter, 100usec
MCP3008		 16   10-bit, 8-channel A-to-D converter, SPI inteface

MCP4725		      12-bit DAC				Adafruit 935
MAX517		  8   8-bit D-to-A converter, I2C interface
MAX550		  8   8-bit D-to-A converter, SPI interface
HI3338KIB	 16   8-bit Flash D-to-A converter (DAC), SOIC package
		      mounted on a 0.3" wide DIP adapter
DAC0832LCN	 20   8-bit D-to-A, double buffer, 1usec
DAC0800LCN	 16   8-bit D-to-A Converter, Tconv=50usec

	Video Circuits

LM1881N-ND	  8   Video sync separator
74ACT715A	 20   Video sync generator
MM5321N		 16   Video sync generator

	Op-Amps, Comparators, Timers

LM318N		  8   High-freq Op Amp
LF356N		  8   JFET Op Amp
LF357N		  8   JFET Op Amp
LM358N            8   Dual Op Amp, single supply
UA741		  8   General purpose Op Amp
LM747N		 14   Dual general purpose Op Amp
TL072		  8   JFET Op Amp
TL074		 14   Quad JFET Op Amp
INA225		 16   Instrumentation amplifier
LM319N		 14   Dual Linear Comparator
LM311		  8   Voltage Comparator
NE555		  8   Timer
LM556		 14   Dual timer
LM380N		 14   2 Watt audio power amp
LM331N		  8   Voltage/Frequency & Freqency/Voltage converter
LM386N		  8   Low voltage audio power amplifier

	Drivers & Receivers

MAX7219		 24   8-digit 7-segment display driver
ICM7218E         40   8-digit 7-segment display driver
MAX232CPE	 16   RS232C dual driver/receiver, 5V only
LM1488N		 14   RS232C quad line driver (same as 75188)
LM1489N		 14   RS232C quad line receiver (same as 75189)
SN75150		  8   RS232C dual line driver
uA9639		  8   RS232C dual line receiver
75492		 14   Hex LED digit driver
MC3479P		 16   Bi-phase stepper motor driver
L293D		 16   Stepper motor driver
ULN2003AN	 16   High voltage, high current Darlington transistor arrays
H11B2		  6   Optoisolator
VO2223A		  8   Optocoupler, power phototriac
SN75107A	 14   Dual line receiver
SN75110		 14   Dual line driver
SN75138		 16   Quad bus transceiver
SN75140		  8   Dual line receiver
SN754410	 16   Quadruple Half-H Driver

	Logic IC's

74HCT04          14  Hex inverter
74HCT14          14  Hex Schmitt trigger inverter
74HCT74          14  Dual positive edge-triggered D flip-flop
74HCT125         14  Quad 3-state non-inverting buffer (active low enable)
74HCT138         16  3-to-8 decoder
74HCT139         16  Dual 2-to-4 decoder
74HCT48          16  8-to-3 priority encoder
74HCT153         16  Dual 4-to-1 Multiplexer
74HCT164         16  8-bit serial-in, parallel out shift register
74HCT251         16  8-to-1 multiplexer with 3-state output
74HCT257         16  Quad 2-to-1 multiplexer with 3-state output
74HCT373         20  8-bit D transparent latch with 3-state output
74HCT374         20  8-bit edge-triggered D register with 3-state output
74HC595		 16  8-Bit serial-in shift register with latched outputs

	Others ICs

DS1307		  8   Maxim real time clock, I2C, with 56 bytes of RAM
PCF8563		  8   Philips real time clock, I2C, with alarm
MCP23008	 18   Microchip I2C 8-bit I/O port expander
MCP23017	 28   Microchip I2C 16-bit I/O port expander (0.3" wide pkg)
MAX7311AWG	 28   Maxim I2C 16-bit I/O port expander, 24-pin SOIC
		      package mounted on a 0.6" wide 28-pin DIP adapter
PCF8574		 16   Philips I2C 8-bit I/O port expander
PDN1144/EDE1144	 18   4x4 keypad encoder
EDE2008		 18   8-input button debouncer
MM74C923	 20   20-key keypad encoder
QT110		  8   Touch sensor (for dielectric switches)
AD5220		  8   Digital potentiometer, 10K Ohm
LM567		  8   Tone Decoder (.01 Hz to 500KHz)
74HCT4051	 16   8-channel analog multiplexer
74HC4066	 14   Quad Analog CMOS Switch
AD75019	              16x16 Crosspoint switch array (44-pin PLCC)

	Logic IC's (old but still usable)

74LS00           14  Quad 2-input NAND gate
74F00            14  Quad 2-input NAND gate
74S00		 14  Quad 2-input NAND gate
74LS02		 14  Quad 2-input NOR gate
74LS04           14  Hex inverter
74ALS04          14  Hex inverter
74AC04           14  Hex inverter
74F04            14  Hex inverter
74S04		 14  Hex inverter
74LS07           14  Hex inverter (open-collector outputs)
74LS08           14  Quad 2-input AND gate
74F08            14  Quad 2-input AND gate
74LS09           14  Quad 2-input AND gate, open-collector outputs
74LS10           14  Triple 3-input NAND gate
74LS11		 14  Triple 3-input AND gate
74LS13		 14  Dual Schmitt trigger 4-input NAND gate
74LS14           14  Hex Schmitt trigger inverter
74AC14           14  Hex Schmitt trigger inverter
74F14            14  Hex Schmitt trigger inverter
74LS20           14  Dual 4-input NAND gate
74LS21           14  Dual 4-input AND gate
74LS27           14  Triple 3-input NOR gate
74LS30           14  8-input NAND gate
74LS32           14  Quad 2-input OR gate
74LS74A          14  Dual positive edge-triggered D flip-flop
74AC74           14  Dual positive edge-triggered D flip-flop
74F74            14  Dual positive edge-triggered D flip-flop
74LS76A		 16  Dual negative edge-triggered J-K flip-flop
74LS85           16  4-bit magnitude comparator
74LS86A          14  Quad 2-input XOR gate
74LS95		 14  4-bit parallel-in/parallel-out shift register
74LS112          16  Dual negative edge-triggered J-K flip-flop
74F112           16  Dual negative edge-triggered J-K flip-flop
74LS123          16  Dual retriggerable monostable multivibrator
74LS125A         14  Quad 3-state non-inverting buffer (active low enable)
74LS126A         14  Quad 3-state non-inverting buffer (active high enable)
74LS133          16  13-input NAND gate
74LS136          14  Quad 2-input XOR gate with open-collector outputs
74LS138          16  3-to-8 decoder
74S138           16  3-to-8 decoder
74LS139          16  Dual 2-to-4 decoder
74LS148          16  8-to-3 priority encoder
74LS151          16  8-to-1 multiplexer
74F153           16  Dual 4-to-1 Multiplexer
74LS155          16  Dual 2-to-4 decoder/demultipexer (common selectors)
74LS157          16  Quad 2-to-1 multiplexer
74S157           16  Quad 2-to-1 multiplexer
74LS158          16  Quad 2-to-1 multiplexer (inverted outputs)
74LS161A         16  4 bit binary synchronous counter with asynchronous clear
74LS163A         16  4 bit binary synchronous counter with synchronous clear
74LS165          16  8-bit parallel-in/serial-out shift register
74LS166          16  8-bit parallel-in/serial-out shift register with clear
74LS169A         16  4-bit binary synchronous up-down counter
74LS173A         16  4-bit edge-triggered D register with 3-state output
74LS174          16  6-bit edge-triggered D Register
74LS175          16  4-bit edge-triggered D Register with complementary outputs
74LS181          24  4-bit arithmentic logic unit
74LS191          16  4-bit binary synchronous up-down counter, async. load
74LS192          16  4-bit decade sync. up-down counter, async. clear
74LS193          16  4-bit binary sync. up-down counter, async. clear
74LS194A         16  4-bit bidirectional universal shift register
74LS195A         16  4-bit parallel-in/parallel-out shift register
74LS240          20  8-bit 3-state buffer/driver/receiver (inverting)
74F240           20  8-bit 3-state buffer/driver/receiver (inverting)
74LS241          20  8-bit 3-state buffer/driver/receiver (non-inverting)
74LS243          14  4-bit bus transceiver
74LS244          20  8-bit 3-state buffer/driver/receiver (non-inverting)
74LS245          20  8-bit 3-state bus transceiver
74LS247          16  BCD to 7-segment decoder
74LS251          16  8-to-1 multiplexer with 3-state output
74LS253          16  Dual 4-to-1 multiplexer with 3-state output
74LS257A         16  Quad 2-to-1 multiplexer with 3-state output
74LS258          16  Quad 2-to-1 multiplexer with 3-state (inverted) output
74LS273          20  8-bit edge-triggered D register with clear
74LS283          16  4-bit adder
74LS367A         16  Hex 3-state buffer/driver
74LS373          20  8-bit D transparent latch with 3-state output
74S374           20  8-bit edge-triggered D register with 3-state output
74LS398          20  Quad 2-to-1 multiplexer with storage
74LS688          20  8-bit comparator

	Other ICs

These ICs were inherited from the supplies of the EE478 course when it vaporized.
Most probably aren't of any use in EE459 but we have them anyway.

XR-2206		 16  Exar monolithic function generator
NE566		  8  Function generator
AD7524		 16  8-bit DAC
CA3080E		  8  Operational transconductance amplifier
NE565		  8  Phase locked loop
D2913		 16  Intel PCM codec/filter
CD4070B		 14  CMOS quad exclusive-OR gate
ADC0804		 20  8-bit A-to-D converter, 100usec

IM6402		 40  UART (same as HD6402, COM1863 and TR1863)
NE558		 14  Quad timer

MAX505		 24  Quad 8-bit DAC
MAX743		 16  Switching regulator
MAX263		 28  Programmable bandpass filter
ICM7217		 28  4-digit (LED) up/down counter
ICL7106		 40  3.5 digit A/D converter
MC1350		  8  IF amplifier

4066		 14  Quad Analog CMOS Switch

LM1496		 14  Balanced Modulator-Demodulator
SN75176		  8  Differential bus transceiver
TC5514		     SRAM, 1k x 4
MC3362		 24  FM receiver
CD4000		 14  CMOS dual 3-input NOR gates

	Voltage Converters

DC-DC step-up converter, 3.3-5V to 12V			Amazon B07RTBY7CY
DC-DC buck converter, 3-40V to 1.4-35V (LM2596)		Amazon B08L5VRBZS
DC-DC step-up conveter 3-6V to 12V			Amazon B07T7FWVP8

	Voltage Regulators

MAX639		5.0V step down (DC-DC) switching regulator
LM3940		3.3V low dropout voltage regulator, 1A, TO-220
LE33CZ		3.3V low dropout voltage regulator, 100mA, TO-92
LM7805		5.0V voltage regulator, 1A, TO-220
UA78L05		5.0V voltage regulator, 100mA, TO-92
TPS7150		5.0V low dropout voltage regulator
LM317L		1.25-32V variable voltage regulator, 100mA, TO-92
LM317		1.25-32V variable voltage regulator, 1.5A, TO-220
TR05S05		5.0V switching regulator

	Transistors & Diodes

2N3904		NPN transistor, TO-92, Vceo=40V, hfe=100@10mA
2N3906		PNP transistor, TO-92, Vceo=40V, hfe=100@10mA
2N2222		NPN transistor, TO-92, Vceo=40V, hfe=100@150mA
2N2907		PNP transistor, TO-92, Vceo=40V, hfe=100@150mA
MJE2955T	PNP power transistor, TO-220, Vceo=60V,hfe=20@4A
MJE3055T	NPN power transistor, TO-220, Vceo=60V,hfe=20@4A
TIP31A		NPN power transistor, TO-220, Vceo=60V,hfe=25@1A
TIP121		NPN Darlington transistor, TO-220, Ic=5A, hfe=1000
MPSA13		NPN Darlington transistor, TO-92, Ic=1.2A, hfe=5000
2N7000		N-channel MOSFET, TO-92, Vds=60V, Id=200ma
ZVP2110A	P-channel MOSFET, TO-92, Vds=100V, Id=320ma
ZVN2110A	N-channel MOSFET, TO-92, Vds=100V, Id=320ma
IRF540		N-channel power MOSFET, TO-220, Vds=100V, Id=33A
IRL540		N-channel power MOSFET, TO-220, Vds=100V, Id=28A
IRF9540		P-channel power MOSFET, TO-220, Vds=100V, Id=19A
THM6078		Heat sink for TO-220 packages
1N914B		Diode, 100V, 300mA (same as 1N4148)
1N4148		Diode, 100V, 300mA (same as 1N914)
1N4001		Diode, 50V, 1A
1N4003		Diode, 200V, 1A
1N5403		Diode, 300V, 3A				Digikey 1N5403-E3/54GICT-ND
1N5817		Diode, Schottky, 20V, 1A
1N4732		4.7 Volt Zener diode, 1 watt		Jameco 36089
NTE5010A	5.1 Volt Zener diode, 1/2 watt
2N6071A		Triac, 4A, 200V, TO-220			Jameco 140425
L2004L3		Triac, 4A, 200V, TO-220			Digikey L2004L3-ND
L201E5		Triac, 1A, 200V, TO-92			Digikey L201E5-ND
MOC3043		Optoisolator triac driver		Digikey MOC3043M-ND

	Batteries and Power

Lithium Ion battery charger				Adafruit 4755
Solar panel, 5.0V, 30mA					Amazon B07BMMHMSJ
3.7V, 2500mAh Lithium battery module			Adafruit 328
3.7V, 700mAh Lithium battery
3.7V, 110mAh Lithium battery				Sparkfun  PRT-13853
1.5V, 5.5mAh Lithium battery, rechargable, 9.5mm	Digikey 728-1082-ND
5V regulated wall-wart power supply, 3.7A		All Elec. PS-537
5V switching power supply, 2.5A				L.T.E.
5V switching power supply, 1.5A				UMEC
5V switching power supply, 1.0A				Phihong

Lithium battery, 3V, CR2032				Digikey N189
Lithium battery, 3V, CR1220
Battery holder, PC mount, for CR2032			Digikey 103K
Lithium battery, 3V, CR2354, 560mAh			Newark
Battery holder, PC mount, for CR2354			Newark
Battery holder for 4 AA cells				Digikey 36-2477
Battery holder for 4 AAA cells				Digikey 36-2481RB
Lithium battery, 18650, 2600mAh, 5.2A			Samsung 26J
Battery charger, 18650 cells				Amazon B07VGRVJH6
Lithium battery, 3.7V, 650mAh				Amazon B087LS763P
Battery holder for 4 18650 cells			Amazon B098X5BZZM
Battery holder for 3 18650 cells
Battery holder, 9V					Digikey BH9V-W
9V battery connector
Power jack, 2.5mm ID, 5.5mm OD, panel mount, metal	Jameco 151563
Power jack, 2.5mm ID, 5.5mm OD, panel mount, plastic	Jameco 202358
Power jack, 2.5mm ID, 5.5mm OD, PC mount		Digikey SC237-ND
Power jack, 2.1mm ID, 5.5mm OD, PC mount
Power plug, 1.3mm ID, 3.5mm OD, inline			Jameco 71192
3-pin terminal block (PC board power connector)		Jameco 152355
2-pin terminal block, 5mm pitch				Sparkfun PRT-08432
3-pin terminal block, 3.5mm pitch			Sparkfun PRT-08235
Terminal strip, 9-position, 8mm spacing			Digikey W5035
Terminal strip, 8-position, 10mm spacing
Banana plugs (red & black)				Jameco 72194
Banana plugs (white)					Digikey J144
Inline 3AG fuse holders

        Resistors, capacitors, inductors

Individual resistors are available in the parts bins in OHE 240
10K Ohm membrane potentiometer				Sparkfun SEN-08680
10k Ohm membrane potentiometer (SoftPot)		Adafruit 178
10K Ohm trimpot						Jameco 43001
2K Ohm trimpot						Jameco 43043
1k Ohm trimpot						Digikey CT6R102
500 Ohm trimpot						Jameco 43123
100K Ohm potentiometer, 1/4" shaft			Amazon B07VJYH29F
1K Ohm potentiometer, 1/4" shaft			Jameco 29049
Knob, 1/4" shaft, pointer				Jameco 102788
8 x 330 Ohm DIP resistor				Bournes 4116R-1-331
8 x 1K Ohm DIP resistor (for 2955 & 3055 power Xtr)	Dale MDP1603 102
15 x 1K Ohm DIP resistor (for pull-ups)			Bournes 4116R-2-102
13 x 1K Ohm DIP resistor (for pull-ups)			Bournes 4114R-2-102
8 x 150 Ohm DIP resistor
Thermister, 2K

Capacitors in these and other values are available in the parts bins in OHE 240
36pf Capacitor
100pf Capacitor
470pf Capacitor						Jameco 15528
0.001uF Capacitor					Jameco 15190
0.0047uF Capacitor
0.01uF Capacitor					Jameco 15230
0.1uF, 50VDC Capacitor					Jameco 15270
0.33uF, 50VDC Capacitor					Digikey 478-5733
0.47uF, 50VDC Capacitor					Digikey 478-4858
1.0uF, 50VDC Capacitor					Jameco 29831
2.2uF, 100VDC Capacitor					Digikey 399-18273
10uF, 35VDC Capacitor					Jameco 29893
47uF, 16VDC Capacitor

Inductors in these and other values are available in the parts bins in OHE 240
100uH inductor, 600ma					Digikey 495-5613-1-ND

	Fans, Motors, Pumps, Hoses

Solenoids, 5V, 7 Ohm					Amazon B09ZDVW3QY
Fan, 30mmx8mm, 5VDC					Adafruit 4468
Stepper motor, 12V bipolar				Sparkfun ROB-09238
Stepper motor driver breakout (L298N)
Stepper motor, 12V bipolar, P/N SM4203			Jameco 105881
Servo motor, micro, 160 degrees rotation, w/ JST cable	Adafruit 4326
Servo motor, micro, 160 degrees rotation
Servo motor, continuous rotation			Parallax 900-00008
Relay motor driver, optoisolated, 3V			Amazon B07XGZSYJV ??
Relay motor driver, optoisolated, 5V			Amazon B095YD3732 ??
Motor, DC 5V, 6000rpm					Amazon B00GN6EHQI
Motor, DC 6-12V, 12000rpm				Amazon B01M58POHF
Motor, geared, DC 3-6V, 50rpm				Amazon B09DG3GCGK
Pump, submersible					Ebay 263197022462
Pump, submersible, horizontal mounting			Adafruit 4546
Pump, submersible, vertical mounting			Adafruit 4547
Hose, clear plastic, 6mm ID, for Adafruit 4546 pumps	Adafruit 4545
Hose, clear plastic, 5/16" ID, 7/16" OD
Hose, clear plastic, 3/16" ID, 5/16" OD
Hose barb adapter, 1/4" MIP to 1/4" ID
Motorized ball valve, 9-24VDC, USS-MSV00026		Amazon B06XWYW9ZR
Solenoid air valve, 12VDC				Amazon B01M0UEISP
Diaphram air pump, 12V DC				SCIPlus 40666P1
Vacuum pump, 12VDC					Sparkfun ROB-10398
Heating pad, 5x10 cm					Sparkfun COM-11288
Heater, 8W, 12-24 VAC/VDC 016020-03


OBD-II to DB9 cable					DFrobot FIT0429
MCP2551 CAN Transceiver					Digikey MCP2551-I/P-ND
ELM327L, IC, 28-pin, .3" PDIP package			ELMelectronic ELM327LP


Quadcopter Power Distribution Board Lite		Hobbyking 9171000145
Hobbymate XT60 Power Distribution Board			Amazon B078JBT2HQ
3.5m bullet connectors, male/female pairs

        Switches and Relays

Magnetic contact switch (door sensor)			Adafruit 375
Toggle switch, SPDT, mounts in 1/4" hole		Jameco 75854
Toggle switch, DPDT, center off, mounts in 1/2" hole	Amazon B001PNMC16
Pushbutton, SPDT, mounts in 1/4" hole			Jameco 121304
Pushbutton, SPST, PC-board mount, white			Digikey 401-1963
Pushbutton, SPST, PC-board mount, red			Digikey 401-1966
Pushbutton, SPST, PC-board mount, black			Digikey 401-1969
Pushbutton, SPST, for breadboards			Adafruit 1010
Pushbutton, illuminated, white				Adafruit 1479
Pushbutton, illuminated, red				Adafruit 1439
Pushbutton, illuminated, green				Adafruit 1440
Pushbutton, illuminated, blue				Adafruit 1477
Pushbutton, 6mm, PC-board mount, black			Sparkfun COM-00097
Tactile Buttons, 12mm					Adafruit 1119
Slide switch, SPDT (on-off-on)				Jameco 106075
DIP switch, SPST, 8-position (fits in 16-pin socket)	Digikey CTS206-8
DIP switch, SPST, 7-position (fits in 14-pin socket)	Digikey CTS206-7
DIP switch, SPDT, 4-position (fits in 16-pin socket)	Digikey CT206124
DIP switch, SPST, 6-position
DIP switch, SPST, 4-position
DIP switch, SPST, 2-position
Rotary encoder, 64 states/rev., no detents		Digikey 3315Y-001-016L
Knob for rotary encoder, 1/8" shaft			Jameco 290125
Knob for rotary encoder, 1/4" shaft			Digikey GH7341
Rotary encoder, 96 states/rev., detents,  w/ switch	Digikey PEC11R-4215F-S0024
Rotary encoder, 96 states/rev, no detents		Digikey PEC12R-4020F-N0024
Rotary encoder, 96 states/rev., detents,  w/ switch	Digikey PEC12R-4225F-S0024
Rotary encoder, 6, 12 or 24 states per rev.		Digikey 3315Y-001-006L
Rotary encoder						Amazon B07F26CT6B

DIP relay, SPDT, P/N JZC-11F				Sparkfun COM-00100
DIP relay, SPDT, P/N HK4100F-DC5V-SHG
DIP relay, DPDT, P/N DS2YE-S-DC5V (16-pin)		Jameco 173914
DIP relay, DPDT, latching , P/N TN2-L2-5V		Jameco 761547
DIP relay, SPST, P/N 1A0500 (14-pin)
DIP relay, SPST, P/N W107DIP-5
DIP relay, SPDT, P/N OUAZ-SS-105D
DIP relay, DPST, P/N D2A05A
DIP relay, SPDT, P/N D1C05C
Relay, DPDT, 12VDC, 30A					Amazon B01LWXTHIX
Relay, SPDT, 20A					Sparkfun COM-10924
Relay control board (for COM-10924)			Sparkfun COM-11041
Relay module, SPDT, 5V coil
Relay modules, 2 channels, 12v coil			Amazon B08PNW9NV4
Keypad, 3x4, I2C interface				Sparkfun COM-15290
Keypad, 3x4, matrix interface				Adafruit 419
Joystick						Sparkfun COM-09032
Joystick break-out board				Sparkfun BOB-09110


JST 4-wire plug to female jumpers			Adafruit 3950
JST 4-wire plug to male jumpers				Adafruit 3955
JST 4-wire socket to bare wires				Adafruit 4045
JST 3-wire plug to bare wires				Pololu 117
JST 3-wire plug to male jumpers				Sparkfun CAB-13685
JST 2-wire plug to bare wires
3.5mm female stereo connector					Digikey SC1459
Phono (RCA) plug, black						Digikey CP1453
Phono (RCA) plug, red						Digikey CP1455
DB9P 9-pin male connector (solder cups)				Jameco 15747
DB9S 9-pin female connector (solder cups)			Jameco 15771
DB9S 9-pin female connector (pins)
DB9S 9-pin female, right angle for PC board mounting
Hoods for DB9P and DB9S connectors
DB15P 15-pin male connector
DB15S 15-pin female connector
DB15S 15-pin female, right angle for PC board mounting
Hoods for DB15P and DB15S connectors
DB25P 25-pin male connector					Jameco 15114
DB25F 25-pin female connector
Jones plug, 4 contacts						Jameco 248786
Jones socket, 4 contacts					Jameco 248823
Jones plug, 6 contacts						Jameco 248794
Jones socket, 6 contacts					Jameco 248831
Molex KK crimp contacts						Digikey WM16517
Molex KK 3-pin female housing					Digikey WM2012
Molex KK 3-pin male header					Digikey WM4201
Molex KK 4-pin female housing					Digikey WM2013
Molex KK 4-pin female housing, w/o ramp				Digikey WM1577
Molex KK 4-pin male header					Digikey WM4202
Molex KK 5-pin female housing					Digikey WM2604
Molex KK 6-pin female housing					Jameco 234747
Molex KK 6-pin female housing, w/o ramp				Digikey WM1579
Molex KK 6-pin male header					Jameco 232303
Molex KK 8-pin female housing					Digikey WM2607
Molex KK 10-pin female housing					Digikey WM2609
Molex KK 11-pin female housing					Digikey WM2610
Molex KK extraction tool					Digikey WM9927
Molex .062 series, 2 circuit receptacles and plugs

        Oscillators and Crystals

Oscillators are for 5V unless otherwise noted.
32.768 kHz DIP Oscillator, P/N DS32kHz (for RTC ICs)		Newark 74C2865
32.768 kHZ Crystal (for RTC ICs)				Digikey 300-1002
2.4576 MHz Crystal
4 MHz DIP Oscillator, 14-pin DIP size				Jameco 27967
4 MHz DIP Oscillator, 8-pin DIP size for 3.3V			Newark 13J1861
4.000 MHz Crystal (for EDE1144 keypad encoder ICs)		Digikey X971
4.9152 MHz DIP Oscillator, 8-pin DIP size			Digikey SE1204
4.9152 MHz Cystal
7.3728 MHz DIP Oscillator, 14-in DIP size			Digikey SER1727
8 MHz DIP Oscillator, 14-pin DIP size				Jameco 27991
9.8304 MHz DIP Oscillator, 14-pin DIP size			Digikey X954
10 MHz DIP Oscillator, 14-pin DIP size				Jameco 354909
12 MHz DIP Oscillator, 14-pin DIP size				Jameco 27895
12.000 MHz Crystal
13.560 MHz Crystal (for RFID sensors)				Digikey 887-1015
14.31818 MHz DIP Oscillator, 8-pin DIP size (use with 74ACT715)	Digikey XC270
14.3181 MHz Crystal
14.7456 MHZ DIP Oscillator, 8-pin DIP size (JL16 baud rates)	Digikey SE1234
15.000 MHz Crystal
16 MHz DIP Oscillator, 14-pin DIP size				Digikey SER1711
18.000 MHz Crystal

        IC Sockets and Plugs

Wire-wrap socket, 8-pin						Jameco 94473
Wire-wrap socket, 14-pin					Jameco 196841
Wire-wrap socket, 16-pin					Jameco 37410
Wire-wrap socket, 18-pin
Wire-wrap socket, 20-pin					Jameco 38631
Wire-wrap socket, 24-pin, 0.6 in. wide				Jameco 41179
Wire-wrap socket, 24-pin, 0.3 in. wide				Jameco 105371
Wire-wrap socket, 28-pin, 0.6 in. wide				Jameco 40336
Wire-wrap socket, 32-pin					Jameco 117057
Wire-wrap socket, 40-pin					Jameco 41179
Wire-wrap socket, 48-pin

Zero-insertion force (ZIF) socket, 28-pin (Aries)		Jameco 104003
Zero-insertion force (ZIF) socket, 28-pin (Textool)
Zero-insertion force (ZIF) socket, 40-pin (Aries)
Zero-insertion force (ZIF) socket, 40-pin (Textool)

Solder-tail socket, 8-pin					Digikey ED3308
Solder-tail socket, 14-pin
Solder-tail socket, 16-pin					Digikey ED56163
Solder-tail socket, 18-pin					Digikey ED3318
Solder-tail socket, 28-pin					Digikey A409AE

DIP header plug, 8-pin
DIP header plug, 14-pin						Jameco 134922
DIP header plug, 16-pin						Jameco 37330
DIP header plug, 20-pin
DIP header plug, 40-pin						Jameco 42712

        Other hardware

Box, plastic, black, 4.72" x 2.56" x 1.57"			Digikey HM116
Turntable ("Lazy Susan"), 2" square			Amazon B07F9YD2ZR

Male headers, 1x30, straight, 0.1" pitch, single sided
Male headers, 1x36, straight, 0.1" pitch, double sided	peconnectors HWS4683
Female headers, 1x40, straight, 0.1" pitch		Moderndevices CP0102
Stacking headers, 1x8, straight, 0.1" pitch		Moderndevices CP0110
Stacking headers, 1x6, straight, 0.1" pitch			Jameco 2144614
Stacking headers, 1x4, straight, 0.1" pitch		Phoenix Enter. HWS16437
Male headers, 1x25, straight, 0.1" pitch, .45" pins	Phoenix Enter. HWS3155
Male headers, 1x17, straight, 0.1" pitch			Jameco 103376
Male headers, 1x30, straight, 0.1" pitch
Male headers, 1x36, right angle, 0.1" pitch			Jameco 103271
Male Headers, 2x25, straight, 0.1" pitch			Jameco 53560
Wire-wrap socket pins
Vector T112 spring bus strips (for shorting headers together)
4.6 x 4.3 inch PC Board, P/N 2743PCB				Jameco 206578
6.1 x 8.8 inch PC Board, P/N 2507PCB				Jameco 105187

Screws, 8-32 x 3/4"
Screws, 8-32 x 1"
Nuts, 8-32

Screws, 6-32 x 1"						90272A153
Screws, 6-32 x 3/4"						90272A151
Nuts, 6-32							90480A007
Lockwashers, #6							91113A007

Screws, 4-40 x 5/8" (mounting DB-9 on board)			90272A112
Nuts, 4-40							90480A005
Lockwashers, #4							91113A005

Screws, 2-56 x 1/2" (mounting LCDs on board)			90272A081
Nuts, 2-56							90480A003
Lockwashers, #2							91113A003

Lockwashers, 5/16", for Jameco 151563 power connectors		91113A030

Spacer, 3/4", aluminum, threaded for #6 screw
Spacer, 3/4", nylon, threaded for #6 screw
Spacer, 1/2", nylon, #6 screw
Spacer, 3/8", nylon, #6 screw, for DB-9 connectors		94639A302
Spacer, 1/4", nylon, #6 screw
Spacer, 3/16", nylon, #6 screw
Spacer, 1/8", nylon, #6 screw, for LCD panels			94639A299

Soldering iron tip, Weller PTA7 (1/16", normal one used in irons)
Soldering iron tip, Weller PTA8 (1/16", 800 degrees)
Soldering iron tip, Weller PTF7 (1/32" tip)
Soldering iron tip, Weller PTS7 (1/100" tip)

---------------------- End of List --------------------------------------------

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